Monday, October 14, 2013


So yesterday Jeremy and I decided to go to the Texas Renaissance Festival.
Last year was my first year going. Jeremy and I went after Thanksgiving after his cousin's wedding. I had never been, and we had so much fun! Last year I was able to drink, although I didn't drink much. I actually dont recall drinking at all. Usually when Jeremy and I go out, I usually let him drink so I can be the DD. BUT not anymore! After Laynie comes out and I give myself enough time to get situated to pumping and learn the whole pump and dump system...Mommas gonna pay you back!! lol..

But the Ren Fest is really cool, they even have campgrounds at the fairgrounds where you can come set up your tents, or your RV or your travel trailer and just hang out all night. I personally think that alot of other stuff goes down on the campgrounds, so you wont see momma out there anytime soon!

Everyone (the people that work there) are all in character, they dont know what cell phones or credit cards are. They are all dressed up in the theme. Its pretty cool. Jeremy wants so badly to dress up! I said maybe next year. He wants to wear a kilt...He's been chomping at the bit for a dang Kilt! Maybe I should get him one for Christmas!? Wouldn't that be fun!

Texas Renaissance Festival | Vendors

Texas Renaissance Festival | Entertainment

So you can see there's lots of places to shop, entertainment and eaaattt!!!! My goodness I couldn't get enough to eat. I should've taken photos of my food, but I was soo hungry! And then later than night...Dooom set in and Jeremy got sick..he threw up his shrimp...gross! So needless to say, I'll never get the shrimp at the Ren Fest! lol..

Jeremy found a comfy chair. He's thinking about getting one for the porch.

There were elephant, camel and llama rides!


 Jeremy searched and searched for the "Shit talking guy you get to throw tomatoes at"...He talked so mean to people, and you got to throw tomatoes at him! It was pretty funny. NOT! lol..

And then...there was this guy. Drunk...ok not quite but working on it. But I firmly let him know, those would be the only boobs; fake or real he would get away with looking at or touching...He agreed! lol..Damn right homeboy. I'll kick your ass and then some! lol..

He also bought us the cutest heart and key necklaces. I forgot to take a pic...and I also forgot to wear mine today...shhh...dont tell him! lol.. I've been very very forgetful lately. :(

And this morning he sent me a message. He has been unbelievable sweet lately. Friday night and Saturday morning I was not very nice to him. I was a bit stressed and overwhelmed and irritated and my hormones kicked in that night. But usually we spend a few hours apart, go on about our lives and dont talk for awhile, and then things calm down, and one of us gives in. Its usually him, cuz I can keep on rolling for a while. And not feel the least bit guilty about it. But he starts missing me and dont get me wrong, I miss him too. But when I'm mad. I am mad. But when he's mad, he says what he says, takes his few minutes and then he's over it. He is the best at forgiving quickly. Sometimes with others I hate that he is that way, but it's who he is. And I wouldn't change it for the world!

Now enough of the mushy talk! haha.. Sorry to bore you!

So back to me being so hungry! I've been like hungry hungry hungry. It's so weird. I swear I dont starve myself, nor would I ever with or without a baby growing inside. But I do still try to keep my same portion size. I think that has what has helped as far as not gaining a ton of unnecessary weight during this pregnancy. Which I didn't want. But in the third trimester, and the closer we get, the more she is growing and I know I will need to go ahead and put a little extra on my plate. I have been trying to reverse the way I eat. I try to eat my breakfast, 2 snacks (healthy snacks a fruit and a grain) and a bigger lunch, fruit for an afternoon snack and then something small for dinner. I usually have a small glass of milk before bed. Because I crave it! I need it!!! lol..And its on my mind all night. And I dont want to dream about a cow and pink milk...It's me!  I reversed it because I dont like the feeling of "oohh just roll me into bed!" at night when I've eaten a large dinner. It's helped so far!

Tomorrow I have my 30 week Dr. Appointment! Yaya! Every two weeks from now on! So I will be sure to let you guys know how it goes!

But she is kicking and kicking and getting stronger everyday! She kicks most of the day now. I love it but soo ready for her to be snuggled in my arms!

10 weeks and 3 days left!!! 

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