Thursday, August 29, 2013

6 Months!!!!

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII am soo HAPPY today! Today I am 6 months! 24Weeks people! Only 3 more months to go! Yaya! This chick is excited!

I love feeling her kick me inside, BUT I would love to have her here so that I can snuggle her little baby newborn neck!

I have been checking some more baby clothes out online; just because I'm still kind of terrified to start buying a lot of clothes...Especially because no one really has winter clothes on sale. Although, Carter's has their Labor Day sale this weekend... Everything is 50%. Which, I found her coming home outtie!

Okay, it's kind of blurry; but it soo adorable! Especially with the panty hose and the beanie! Not to mention the sparkly shoes. We might actually skip the sparkly shoes...but still. How adorable! And remember, it will be colder when I have her, so this outfit is actually appropriate for the season!

Gosh, Im just so ready to meet this little girl. I cant wait to hear her coo, and oohh and aaahh and cry and want me and want her daddy! My goodness. I first found out I was pregnant when I was only 4 weeks along. So a month ago, this pregnancy felt like it was dragging on, like it was never going to end! But this past month has just flew by! And we are soo close to meeting her! As of last Monday the 26th we have two months until we get to go again for the 4D ultrasound one more time. So that we're actually able to see her face, and hands this time. Last time; which was about 3 weeks ago she is still so tiny and still forming. Her ears haven't fully developed yet either, so I can't wait to see who she looks like the most. My sweet little girl.

And how cute are these polka dot tights from Zulily?!! When I went to buy them, they were sold out =( BUT I requested that they notify me when they become available again. It reminds me of when I used to wear my polka dot tights with my cut off shorts over them. My mom used to let me dress the way I wanted. And when I was younger, I was always in my tights and cut off shorts!

But her kicks and pushes are getting stronger and stronger. She wakes up early early! So I've been trying to adjust my schedule a little bit. I know that I need to prepare myself to wake up earlier, so this week everyday I have set my alarm 5 minutes earlier each day. I did pretty good. But I want to get back to where I wake up at 5:15 instead of 6:00. Eventually getting to where I wake up earlier; especially after I have her and get cleared to start working out again, then Jeremy and I will switch off on who gets to go to the gym in the mornings vs afternoons. Because I don't want to have her in daycare all day, and then take her to the gym daycare for an hour. That's just not fair! So I will only workout in the gym a couple of mornings a week, and the rest we will go walk/jog outside in the evenings.

Her crib; if you can remember what it looks like will be delivered Saturday!!! I'm so excited! I'm even more excited that Jeremy changed his mind about the nursery! Yay me!! I get to decorate a nursery now!!! Yayayayayayaaaaaya! lol.. See, my endorphins are just making me sooo happy!

My 31 day challenge is still going strong! I am on Day 17 today, and well, I am so pleased with the results so far. Jeremy and I have gotten to where we get so caught up in these deep conversations that we forget what time it is, and end up going to bed late. Which to be able to spend such quality time with him is great. Just think, in 3 months it's going to get a little bit hectic! YIKES! But not really. I am prepared for it and very ready for it!

I hope that all of you have a very happy Labor Day weekend. You will not hear from me until after Tuesday, I got some plans for this weekend and will definitely do a weekend update when I get back! Be good all!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 14 with Chicken Spaghetti Goodness!!!

This mommy-to-be is tired this morning! Its not the baby, its Jeremy! He kept me up all night talking, talking, talking! We usually have these times where we just talk about everything under the moon. Usually these nights happen on Fridays or Saturdays when we don't have to get up extra early. But, I enjoyed it. I could listen to him talk (and I do) for days at a time. All because of his country boy accent. It's so thick and cute, I just love it! If I could record him talking to show you guys I totally would! But, Im not sure he would like that very much. Oh well...Maybe one day!

So last night I tried out a new recipe. Now, I love chicken spaghetti. I've only had it one other time, but that one time it blew my mind. I mean how could all these ingredients come together and look so gross, yet taste sooo amazing!??

So as I was on my way home last night, I remembered Mama Laughlin posted her SKINNier Chicken Spaghetti Recipe. So as I was walking into Kroger, I pulled it up! Gotta love technology people! I got all my ingredients and went home to give this new recipe a try! If you want a crack at the recipe yourself, I totally and completely recommend it! Jeremy LOVED it, and so did me and the baby! You can click HERE to get it!

See how gross it looks. Actually when I was mixing all up, as per instructions, I was getting kind of grossed out! I thought I wasn't going to be able to eat this! But then I put it in the oven and it smelled soooo good! How could I not eat this??

It was beyond DELISH! Jeremy said it tasted a little different than the chicken spaghetti that he's had, but I proudly mentioned that its a Skinnier version. He smiled and said it still tastes good for being "skinny"!
So the challenge is working out just fine! Seriously do not know how much more of a better wife I can be. I mean I'm not perfect, and sure I can do other things. But Jeremy is beyond happy and has gotten sweeter towards me and is making better efforts to make sure that my needs are met. Which really is wonderful. Those little notes, or texts that I send him throughout the day are working. I know that he cant text me back all the time, but he sees them. And even if it's just for a few seconds, he knows that I'm thinking about him and that's what keeps him going! I know so, because of the hug and kisses that I get when he walks in the door from work. Like he has been gone for days and missed me soo much. Last night he said that he missed me a lot while he was at work. Mondays are our hardest days, because we spend all weekend together. We hardly go any where without each other. I know that there are some wives out there that say they cant wait to have their "alone" time and wish their husbands away. But, when you and your husband's relationship becomes a different level; such as the one that we have progressed to, and your husband becomes your best friend, there isn't much you want to do apart. Maybe it is because I've put myself through this challenge. Or maybe it's because we're having a baby and that's bringing us closer. I'm not sure, but I can tell you that I become more and more grateful of him everyday, and my love for him gets stronger and stronger with each day that passes.
I'm soo full of love right now! Maybe it's all the baby hormones?!?!
Either way, I think its awesome! And I know it makes him feel great!
Happy Wife, Happy Life!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend update, days 11-13

So, somewhere in there I skipped a day. Thursday; the day Lady passed was supposed to be day 10. So I will just update you all on Days 11 - 13!

Friday I received lots of packages when I got home!!! I was sooo excited! I loove getting things in the mail! Even if they arent for me!
Home Executive Planner

Honest Company Diapers and Wipes trial

A new skirt from BabyBug Creations

  Jeremy and I decided to surprise Brayden at his football practice and then afterwards he came home with us. We had fun at the practice together. Half of the kids played the previous year, annnd that's all that really knows anything about how to play football. The other half, including Brayden have no idea what they are doing. Sometimes its funny, other times its not. Jeremy gets a little embarrassed sometimes. He's such a competitive person, and so it makes his skin crawl sometimes that Brayden doesn't put in any effort to know what he's doing.
 But Jeremy and I had good laughs, and we stayed positive even though it was HOT! On the way home we ordered Chinese, and got a RedBox DVD rental. I chose the most family/kid friendly movie they had. Ivan the Incredible. It was a great movie! I reccommend watching it. Its cartoon, so if you dont like those dont waste your time. But it was cute and totally age appropriate! Jeremy was very cuddly to me, like he has been the past few weeks. Im liking this softer side of him lately.

Saturday we woke up and I made our weekly staple Bacon, Eggs and Pancake Satruday!! Then we headed off to Brayden's last scrimmage game before the season starts. It was BLISTERING HOT.

Shirt: Ruffles with Love

Holy cow, I think steam was coming off of me! But my sister came out to support, we had loads of fun!

Then after the game we headed to Carter's to start shopping for Laynie! Times are still tight, so I didnt have much to spend; but I figured if we just start we the essentials (long sleeve shirts, pants, onesies and socks) we'll be ok! Plus Im sure everyone else has a TON of clothes to give her!

Purple: "Daddy and I agree, Mommy is the Boss!"

My sister bought the pink and the purple "boss" one! Jeremy wasn't on the same page we were at first, but he agrees!

Sunday was Sewing Day! I hemed all of Jeremy's work uniforms. I was tired of seeing loose strings, and him pulling up his pant leg just to walk! Arrgg! So i fixed him right up!
 Jeremy was in a different mood, he was a little sad. His first time not taking Brayden to school on his first day, LadyBug not being here; which has only gotten harder and harder for us both. After almost 3 years of having to let the dog out, and feed her when we eat, and talk her on walks; it's just so weird when we get home. Me especially after I get home from work. She was the second thing I attended to when I walked in the door. And now, I feel almost guilty. Is that weird?

I feel like I've been going through the emotions of loss. At first I was Shocked, then Angry, then Upset and now Guilty. All the while missing my best friend.

Gosh I really miss her!

Jeremy asked me last night if I thought he was a pu$$* for being emotional about it. Of course NOT. She was our baby. We had her 24/7. We took care of her more than we take care of Brayden (because of Joint custody and the scheduled visitations bullshit etc...) So of course not. He is totally allowed to be like that. If not, I would be worried. But I tried to cheer him up a little, If you know what I mean! And it worked. I just hate seeing him like that. It breaks my heart to see him struggle through something. I know he has a lot on his mind, so today I packed him a big lunch. I know he likes it when he has a wide variety of things to snack on throughout the day! I've been sending him love texts all day and been praying for him as well. I just hope that things get better for him.

Over the weekend I also found Jeremy's wedding ring! We currently do not have rings, and so we are on the hunt for the perfect ones! Because I said I didn't want to go another year without one. Sooo, while I still search for the one I am just absolutely in love with, I have found his! And he loves this so Im excited!

Well heres to a better week! And hopefully to September being MUCH better than August!

And remember to:

Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 8 and The Very Dark Day 9

So, Day 8 - Wednesday August 21st, I got home and Lady had finagled her way out of her kennel (She hasn't done that in over a year) So I went and checked out what damage might have been done. To my surprise only one accident. Now remember on Monday when I got home she was sick from getting into the trash. So Wednesday before I went to work she was almost back to her regular self.
Well, then I got to the dinning room....There on the floor laied a lonesome single cinnamon tortilla chip. Lady had gotten on top of the counter, and dragged down a brand new (I only had four chips) of Cinnamon Tortilla chips. These weren't the Stacy's kind either. They were the Kroger bakery made, where the use the whole bottle of cinnamon on one bag! So yea. I went to go find her and she was hiding in her kennel.. She knew she messed up!

So Jeremy got home and we decided on eating Subway for dinner, He fed Lady outside on the porch because she was still kind of sick and it was just a precaution. He was really sweet to me, he heated up my rice/lavender warmer for my back, he picked a spot out for me, put a movie in the DVD player and told me to just relax. How sweet! After the warming went away I decided to get up and vacuum and then bathe Lady for the 20th time...We went to bed shortly after...well, we were in bed! hahaha!!

Day 9  A VERY dark day

When I woke up and started getting ready (I start in the bathroom, hair then face) And I could hear LB throwing up. We put her in her kennel this week because I didn't want her wondering into parts of the house and randomly throwing up or having diarrhea somewhere and then I get to find a surprise in like a month! So I rushed in there, and poor thing had been sick all night. But this time it was different.

 She looked at me with pain, helplessness. I tried to get her to come out but I was unsuccessful. Jeremy tried as well, but she wouldn't budge. So I said that I would just have to be late to work, turned around and there it was, the blood.

Her diarrhea had turned into blood. Jeremy said "Fuck it, I'm calling in, we're taking her to the vet" So he started to clean her up. I had to go to work. I had a few obligations that I needed to complete, then I swore I was out of there. And I did just that. I was at work for exactly one hour.

When I got there we took her immediately to the family vet. It took about an hour for her to be seen. Then they took a stool sample. When they carried her kennel into one of the private rooms, she just looked worse than she did when we were at home. She was getting worse. The Dr. had to slide the bottom of her kennel to be able to get her hand around her so she could weigh her. 15.2 lbs. And she was bleeding uncontrollable. So they took her and gave her a bath, and cleaned out her kennel for us. Which I was very grateful for. The smell, oh Gosh the smell. She was definitely getting worse. The Dr. explained what she had, to sum it all up, because of her actions she had a toxicity. She had gotten in the trash Monday; there were bones (from us bbq-ing etc) and all kinds of food she's never eaten before. So her body purged it on Monday. BUT then on Wednesday she went and ate the cinnamon chips. She may have had cuts on the inside of her intestines due to the bones needing to pass through. So her body didn't fully recover before ingesting the cinnamon. And large amounts of cinnamon are toxic to humans and dogs. She ingested too much cinnamon. She was dehydrated, sick and the cinnamon was causing her to basically shut down. They gave her an IV of fluids, and two antibiotics.
 When they brought her back and did the IV and antibiotics she wasn't looking any better, she was just cleaner. My heart just hurt so bad for her, knowing she was in pain.

 They laid a towel down, and put her back in her kennel. Her body was limp, she wouldn't move, or look at me or respond to me when I talked. She just looked straight ahead of her. We were free to take her home, but to bring her back if she got worse. So we headed home. When we pulled up, to get her out of the truck, she was gasping for air. She couldn't breathe, her tongue was pale. I called the vet. They gave me two options, to bring her in and let her pass there, or let her pass at home. There was nothing further they could do. She faded too fast.

 We chose to keep her home, Jeremy tried to get her to calm down and breath, but it didn't work. Two minutes later, she took her last breath.

My Lady girl, my best friend, my road dog, my partner in crime, my first baby; is gone.
I'm crying as I write this. My heart hurts for my friend that is no longer here.
No one will ever understand the relationship that she and I had.
I saved her, but in a small way, she saved me too!
I'm mad, I'm confused, I'm upset, I'm hurt, I'm lonely without her.

Jeremy too is torn up, he blames himself for not taking the trash (like he does every night) but for two years, she has never once touched the trash. She just did it. But I try to explain to him, that that's not what killed her. It was the cinnamon.
He also doesn't know that all night in his sleep, he talked about Lady. He was playing fetch with her, and telling someone about how great she is.

Lady and Jeremy had an unexplainable relationship

Broke my heart! She was his first little girl. Wherever he was, she was. He hardly went anywhere without him. And if he did, she sat by the door and whined until she heard him coming up the stairs. Then she would go APE-SHIT over him. They were best friends.

She looked out here everyday, watched for Jerm's truck

No one will understand the love we have for LadyBug. She was the best dog. Most incredible personality, so smart and very sweet to everyone!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The sweet smell of Bacon on Day 7!

Ok, so at this point Jeremy has no idea that I have took it upon myself to do this challenge. But I really like what has been going on in our household! Seriously, this is working!

So a couple of days ago I was on a Pinterest break and I was looking for a breakfast recipe for Jerm's. Because he has to have his eggs in the morning. I usually make him an egg sandwich. Buuuut I've been making it for three years now. So I wanted to spice it up a little bit. So I found an egg muffin recipe and kind of made it my own with what I know he likes!
I used:
Organic/homegrown eggs
tomato; chopped
onion, finely chopped
spinach, finely chopped
pepper to taste
cupcake liners

Preheat oven to 400 degrees,
line your muffin tin with cupcake liners, add in the bacon. I wrapped it in a circle around the inner cupcake liner. The I dropped in the tomato, onion, and spinach. I scrambled an egg. I went one egg at a time because I wasn't sure how many I would actually need. (It was about one a half eggs for two muffins) After that salt and pepper to taste. Jerm's doesn't eat salt so I just did pepper.
Bake at 400 for 20 Minutes. Let cool on cooling rack, store in fridge. To eat: take off cupcake liner and microwave for 30seconds then devour!!!

And let your home be filled with the smell of sweet bacon!

Anyways, we had friends come over and "help" him with the dryer (they mostly just stood around talked about work and had a beer or three each!) But he went on and on about how I made him this awesome breakfast and he couldn't wait to try it out. His friends got soo jealous. One of them always asks for me to make him an egg sandwich. He says he gets soo jealous of Jeremy's breakfast sandwich! I must make them really good! haha..I promise it's not me, it's the egg!

But I got a text today that said his breakfast was soooooo good!
So A++++ for me!

But I think by now, Jeremy would probably give me an award for being soo sweet! Its really working on him too. Because he has been a whole bunch sweeter to me lately. NOT that he wasn't before, but it's a whole other level of sweetness. I especially like the sneaky kisses he gives me at night when I'm already passed out, mouth open and everythang! Haha!(Im baking a kid ok, I'm allowed!) And even though it tickles, its still so sweet of him!

Love love love him more and more each day!

So verdict on Day 7: Its working!!! On both of us!
 So yay! Im super excited!!

Are you becoming a better wife? Share ideas, tips and thoughts with me!

Happy Hump Day Lovas!!!!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Clean up on Day 6! And The Honest Co.

Sooooo.....Yesterday morning as we were getting ready to leave the house (Jerms and I leave at the same time) He noticed that it was a little warm in the house. At night we set the a/c on 72, and during the day it stays on 78 with the fans going. (The electric company told me when and what to set the a/c on to lower our bill based on square footage and the amount of ceiling fans we have; 1...I like to save!)  So it was still set on 72, beacause right before I walk out I turn it up, and it was reading that it was 78 in the house. Hmm.. So I called our management office and told them. They are usually really good about getting the a/c guy out there. So I got a phone call around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. The girls in the office know that I'm usually home by then, but I had some errands to run after work. So I went in when I got home; it was about 5:00. They said that our cala-something needed to be replaced and they wouldn't be able to do it until tomorrow. I DIED!! Ahhhhh... Another night of no a/c. So usually when your a/c goes out they put in a window unit to keep you sane. So they had to wait for me to get home, because we have a dog. Even though LB is in her kennel at all times if no one is home, so I said I was home now, and they guy came within 15 minutes.
Now, here's the kicker...When i got into the house Number 1. It was hotter than two balls fighting in a pair of wool tighty-whites, ok. Number 2. LB was sick. And Im just going to leave it at that.
It took me two hours to clean it up! Three to get the smell out. Oh Goodness me, I'm having a flash back you guys! Agghh...
Jeremy unfortunaly is not one of those guys that can just clean it up. Me I put a hankerchief over my nose and gloves on my hands and cleaned it up. I mean come on the longer you let it set there, the worse it smells! Good thing I have experience in cleaning up after dogs. (circa 2006-2007 Animal Control; I cleaned the dog kennels....WORST JOB EVERRR! But I got paid pretty decent to make up for it!)
Back to the story, so after I cleaned it all up, gave LB three baths, and tried to give her some cottage cheese to help her stomach (she didn't want to eat anything, Lesson Learned I think??! ) I went to check on Jeremy. Towards the end I gave him permission to go ahead and start working on the dryer. See when it rains, it POURS! First on Sunday, he noticed the Dryer bin (barrel, whatever its called) wasnt turning anymore, then Monday the a/c went out, oh then LB got sick. Yea. Bring it on!!!!
So because he couldnt stomach helping me clean up after LB I made him stand at the end of the hall and hand me supplies. He was very sweet about it, asking if there was anything else I needed. Can he get me this, do I need this? I was schocked, cuz here I am yelling for MORE MORE MORE, I NEED MORE! lol.. But I mean come on given the situation...But we handled it together as a team. I'm just glad he didn't say, you handle it, its your dog. Cuz this chick would have slung all that shit all over him ok! Annnnd I would've probably been  out on my ass in less than 1 minute! So Yay for semi-team work! lol..
Also, he is a great maintenance man! He found the problem on the dryer, but it got too late/dark last night for him to finish, so he will be finishing tonight. Not like I need the dryer today anyway. (I do laundry on Saturday and Sunday ONLY!)
We also had a slumber party in the living room, right where the ceiling fan, the window unit and my bedside fan were. It was great, when we both finally fell asleep, I slept sooo good! Had a hard time getting there, because Laynie couldn't get comfortable...(?) She was moving, and going from top to bottom, closer to my belly and then back towards my spine. Dunno!
The Honest Company
So I wanted to share this with you guys. Some of my readers are moms, and some are not. But I just thought I had to share this. I am very very picky when it comes to diapers. I worked in childcare centers for over 3 years, so I got to see how different kids reacted to different diaper brands. To be quite honest I dont like any of them. If I have to chose (which I did for my registery) I went with Pampers Natural Care. BUT I wanted to find diapers that were going to be even more gentle on Laynie. From me I didn't do too well with diapers, always had a rash, or a UTI. Jeremy's mom only used cloth diapers (she was at home with him alot) unless they went somewhere then she put him in regualr diapers; which he would always get a rash from. So I went on a search. And I found The Honest Company. Which is Jessica Alba's company. All of their products are natural, friendly products which I like. The side by side comparisson of ingreadients for their diapers vs store bought do not compare. Plus all of the reviews are amazing!
So I was interested. So I ordered a free trial. (You pay $5.95 shipping) for 7 Diapers and a travel size wipes. My order is supposed to get here on Wednesday or Thursday and I will be sure to post pictures. But after I ordered it I also found their bundle packages.
This is the bundle package $79.95/Month (less than $20 a week!)
You get 7 packages of diapers and 4 packages of wipes sent to you automatically each month! What a deal right!
And the best part is...You get to chose designs! How fun right?!
These diapers are ultra absorbent, eco-friendly diapers are extra soft, hypoallergenic, free of chlorine processing & risky additives (like fragrances, lotions, and latex).

 And here is the size chart, and the number of diapers by size per bundle.
Otherwise, they are $13.95/pack

Size Chart

 So these are the diapers Jeremy and I have decided to order to Laynie. We did a little price comparison when I was registering, and so far this Honest Bundle has beaten out the store bought prices if we were to buy in bulk.  
They also have all kinds of cleaning products that are safe to use on and around the baby, as well as shampoos and body washes and they even have all natural vitamins; prenatals etc..
So if you want you can click HERE to hop on over to their website and check em out!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous Tuesday!