This mommy-to-be is tired this morning! Its not the baby, its Jeremy! He kept me up all night talking, talking, talking! We usually have these times where we just talk about everything under the moon. Usually these nights happen on Fridays or Saturdays when we don't have to get up extra early. But, I enjoyed it. I could listen to him talk (and I do) for days at a time. All because of his country boy accent. It's so thick and cute, I just love it! If I could record him talking to show you guys I totally would! But, Im not sure he would like that very much. Oh well...Maybe one day!
So last night I tried out a new recipe. Now, I love chicken spaghetti. I've only had it one other time, but that one time it blew my mind. I mean how could all these ingredients come together and look so gross, yet taste sooo amazing!??
So as I was on my way home last night, I remembered Mama Laughlin posted her SKINNier Chicken Spaghetti Recipe. So as I was walking into Kroger, I pulled it up! Gotta love technology people! I got all my ingredients and went home to give this new recipe a try! If you want a crack at the recipe yourself, I totally and completely recommend it! Jeremy LOVED it, and so did me and the baby! You can click HERE to get it!
See how gross it looks. Actually when I was mixing all up, as per instructions, I was getting kind of grossed out! I thought I wasn't going to be able to eat this! But then I put it in the oven and it smelled soooo good! How could I not eat this??
It was beyond DELISH! Jeremy said it tasted a little different than the chicken spaghetti that he's had, but I proudly mentioned that its a Skinnier version. He smiled and said it still tastes good for being "skinny"!
So the challenge is working out just fine! Seriously do not know how much more of a better wife I can be. I mean I'm not perfect, and sure I can do other things. But Jeremy is beyond happy and has gotten sweeter towards me and is making better efforts to make sure that my needs are met. Which really is wonderful. Those little notes, or texts that I send him throughout the day are working. I know that he cant text me back all the time, but he sees them. And even if it's just for a few seconds, he knows that I'm thinking about him and that's what keeps him going! I know so, because of the hug and kisses that I get when he walks in the door from work. Like he has been gone for days and missed me soo much. Last night he said that he missed me a lot while he was at work. Mondays are our hardest days, because we spend all weekend together. We hardly go any where without each other. I know that there are some wives out there that say they cant wait to have their "alone" time and wish their husbands away. But, when you and your husband's relationship becomes a different level; such as the one that we have progressed to, and your husband becomes your best friend, there isn't much you want to do apart. Maybe it is because I've put myself through this challenge. Or maybe it's because we're having a baby and that's bringing us closer. I'm not sure, but I can tell you that I become more and more grateful of him everyday, and my love for him gets stronger and stronger with each day that passes.
I'm soo full of love right now! Maybe it's all the baby hormones?!?!
Either way, I think its awesome! And I know it makes him feel great!
Happy Wife, Happy Life!
I made this last week too! It was so good. I can't wait to eat it in the winter when it's's a great comfort food.